
The next Woodland Work Group meeting is  on Tuesday 17 September, and we then meet every fortnight. Come and join in - all fitness levels accommodated. We will be meeting at the dead end of St Thomas Drive, and then walking into the woods to St Thomas Glade for a session of scrub clearance. 

If you are not very familiar with the woods – don’t worry, I will wait at the entrance to the woods at the end of St Thomas Drive until 10.am. 

I do hope that you will be able to join the Work Group. Adult non-members welcome. Please come prepared – heavy shoes are a must, as well as gardening gloves, saws, loppers, and secateurs if you have them. Idverde equipment will be available. You may also want to bring a drink. The session will finish at 12.15pm – although you are welcome to leave sooner. BUT, you need to tell the idverde ranger, or myself that you are leaving early, or we will worry that we have lost you in the woods.

Date for your diary: Coffee Morning and Cake Sale Saturday 5 October 10am to noon The Friends of Crofton and Sparrow Woods popular get together for a chat over a drink and excellent cake at Petts Wood Methodist church.


The next Woodland Work Group meeting is next week, on Tuesday 3 September. This is the first Work Group of the autumn season, and we will then be meeting every fortnight from the 3rd

Come and join in - all fitness levels accommodated.

We will be meeting at the dead end of St Thomas Drive, and then walking into the woods to St Thomas Glade for a session of scrub clearance. If you are not very familiar with the woods – don’t worry, I will wait at the entrance to the woods at the end of St Thomas Drive until 10.am. I do hope that you will be able to join the Work Group. Adult non-members welcome. 

Please come prepared – heavy shoes are a must, as well as gardening gloves, saws, loppers, and secateurs if you have them. Idverde equipment will be available. You may also want to bring a drink. The session will finish at 12.15pm – although you are welcome to leave sooner. BUT, you need to tell the idverde ranger, or myself that you are leaving early, or we will worry that we have lost you in the woods.

Date for your diary: Coffee Morning and Cake Sale Saturday 5 October 10am to noon The Friends of Crofton and Sparrow Woods popular get together for a chat over a drink and excellent cake at Petts Wood Methodist church.


Have you spotted a new fence going up towards the south of the woods adjacent to the Farnborough Park Estate alongside the old access track to the former Smallpox Hospital? 

The Friends of Crofton and Sparrow Woods received website and telephone contact over the past week expressing concern about changes to the woodland in the area behind the Farnborough Park Estate - circled in red on the map below. 

The area is private land, and last week was fenced off with an impressive green metal fence. This week there has been a large wood bonfire. The activity has caused people concern that there may be plans to develop the land, and that since it is part of the area of Special Scientific interest (the blue area on the map) it is required to be protected for wildlife, so felling all the trees would not be acceptable. 

On 9 July some member of this Group, along with Luke Blanchard from idverde and a member of Bromley Council’s Tree Team, went along to see what was going on for ourselves. We were very fortunate in our timing, and one of the two chaps fuelling the bonfire was the landowner and helpfully filled us in on the background and reassured about his intentions to protect and improve the woodland. 

The owner lives in a nearby house and already owns a small strip of woodland which has been fenced off. He bought the bought the piece of land in question privately from the Norman Estates people a few years ago. This was to ensure that it would not be built upon - rumours have circulated for years about the vulnerability of the area to building development. He has become concerned about dog waste bags and the woodland becoming increasingly dark due to lack of management. He has therefore installed a fence to restrict access to his family, and is managing the woodland to remove dead wood. He was receptive to the suggestion that Cherry Laurel should also be removed. He allowed idverde and the Council to walk around his site and heard their advice about the need for Natural England permission for most work within the SSSI, and on bonfire locations, tree management etc. 

So, if you get asked about the work over the summer, you can be reassuring that the landowner has no plans to destroy the woodland or develop the site for housing. Positive news to start the summer – all we need now is the rain to stop!


White Admiral buitterflies are now in Crofton Woods

Butterfly Recorder Peter Smart reported the first sighting of the White Admiral butterfly in Crofton Woods on Tuesday 25 June - so keep your eyes peeled when walking in the woods on a sunny day. Peter's photo is below:


June 2024 newsletter is out!

Subscribe to the Group to read our interesting newsletter packed with information about Crofton and Sparrow Woods. Hard copy available on request if you are local. 


Come and join a free guided walk around Crofton walk on 6 JUly


All welcome for an interesting talk about the birds of Crofton and Sparrow Woods by local RSPB expert Peter Smart – join us for a hot drink and cake. 

(Followed by short FoC&SW AGM)

Tuesday 7 May 2024 at 7pm at Garden Estates Association Hall, Woodhurst Ave, Petts Wood, Orpington, BR5 1AR


Every year we have reports in Spring of sightings of a pair of Mandatrion Ducks. This year is no exception - with Group member Kirsty making our first sighting report.  They are wood ducks and so nest in trees. Although there have yet to be any reports of successful breeding, perhaps 2024 will be the first year.

2024 is also proving a good year for frogspawn - member Sue spotted that one bomb hole is packed and shared this video. Let us hope that the hole does not dry out too soon this year.