Birds of Crofton and Sparrow Woods

The woods provide an excellent habitat for breeding and migratory birds. Amateur ornithologists have been keeping records over a number of years. 

The PDF link below contains a table with a summary of the results. As the arable land became increasingly wooded over the 20th century, woodland birds have benefited at the expense of birds more used to farmland. And of course ring-necked parakeets are now everywhere.

The Friends Group is interested in any other records that you are willing to share, as well as any interesting sightings.

2024 Sightings:

January 2024: In addition to the regulars, there was a Little Egret by the eastern branch of the Kyd Brook and Redwings finishing off the holly berries.  Greenfinch and Siskins seen - not a common sightings. First reporting sighting of a Kingfisher for 2024.

March 2024: first recording of a pair of pheasants.

April 2024: Chiffchaff have arrived.

May 2024: Bromley RSPB Local Group came for a dawn chorus walk, and their spots included the frist Treecreeper of the year and the first Jackdaw for some years. No Buzzards or Kites nesting this year. Two members reported a Golden Oriole, and one a Hawfinch and Nightingale. These sightings need photographic verification as the Merlin birdsong App can offer unlikely answers. So if you get a photo, do please share.